Chidi Ebere
In his debut novel Now I Am Here writer Chidi Ebere created a war criminal as the narrator. At the brink of defeat of his extermination unit he looks back how an ordinary and decent man like him could grow into a ruthless killer and writes to his former lover. In this article Ebere asks himself how a peaceful man like him could immerse himself in such a story. In his debut novel Now I Am Here writer Chidi Ebere created a war criminal as the narrator. At the brink of defeat of his extermination unit he looks...

Tinashe Mushakavanhu
Since independence in 1980, Zimbabwe has in some ways become like Animal Farm. Like the pigs in the classic 1945 novel by English writer George Orwell, the country’s post-liberation leaders have hijacked a revolution that was once rooted in righteous outrage. In Zimbabwe, the revolution was against colonialism and its practices of extraction and exploitation. Since independence in 1980, Zimbabwe has in some ways become like Animal Farm. Like the pigs in the classic 1945 novel by English writer George Orwell,...

ZAM Reporter
Nigerian writer Arinze Ifeakandu has been awarded one of the world’s prestigious literary prizes for young writers – the Swansea University Dylan Thomas Prize – for his ‘exhilarating’ debut God’s Children Are Little Broken Things , a stunning short fiction collection, whose nine stories simmer with loneliness and love, and depict what it means to be gay in contemporary Nigeria. Nigerian writer Arinze Ifeakandu has been awarded one of the world’s prestigious literary prizes for young writers – the Swansea University Dylan Thomas...

Wim Bossema
Voor de 'Diepst verborgen herinnering van de mens' ontving de Senegalese auteur Mohamed Mbougar Sarr de meest prestigieuze literaire prijs van Frankrijk. Hoe was dat mogelijk? Voor de 'Diepst verborgen herinnering van de mens' ontving de Senegalese auteur Mohamed Mbougar Sarr de meest prestigieuze literaire prijs van Frankrijk....

Anja-Hélène van Zandwijk
Op de eerste bijeenkomst van de ZAM Boekenclub van lezers en schrijvers op 6 juni 2023 hield Anja-Hélène van Zandwijk een inleiding over de roman van Mohamed Mbougar Sarr. Eerder schreef ze al deze tekst op sociale media. 'Een eerbetoon aan de verhalenvertellers.' Op de eerste bijeenkomst van de ZAM Boekenclub van lezers en schrijvers op 6 juni 2023 hield Anja-Hélène van Zandwijk een inleiding over de roman van...

Vamba Sherif
In October this year, Dutch-Liberian writer Vamba Sherif attended the 5th edition of what has become the leading literary festival in the country. “The future of Africa lies in its writers.” In October this year, Dutch-Liberian writer Vamba Sherif attended the 5th edition of what has become the leading literary festival in the country. “The...

Vamba Sherif
In The Dragonfly Sea , Kenyan writer Yvonne Owuor, speaker at the 2022 ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture, explores the deep influence of Arabic and Islamic cultures in many African countries. In The Dragonfly Sea , Kenyan writer Yvonne Owuor, speaker at the 2022 ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture, explores the deep influence of Arabic and Islamic...

Wim Bossema
Een Nobelprijs, een Prix Goncourt, een Bookerprijs en nog een Booker voor vertaalde literatuur: niet eerder vielen zo veel Afrikaanse schrijvers in hetzelfde jaar in de prijzen. Vreugde in Afrikaanse media, maar ook een dissonant. Een Nobelprijs, een Prix Goncourt, een Bookerprijs en nog een Booker voor vertaalde literatuur: niet eerder vielen zo veel Afrikaanse schrijvers in...

Babah Tarawally
If I had stayed in Sierra Leone, I would undoubtedly have become a doctor. And had I, like my father, been married to three women, had many children. I would have become a traditionalist, a profound believer in the Islamic faith and my life put wholly to the service of society. Like my father, I would no doubt have been a happy person who would find satisfaction in serving my people. If I had stayed in Sierra Leone, I would undoubtedly have become a doctor. And had I, like my father, been married to three women, had many children. I...

By Nicole Rizzuto / Africa is a Country
The novels of Abdulrazak Gurnah offer a running commentary and a skepticism toward the cultural politics of packaging African stories for global circulation and consumption. The novels of Abdulrazak Gurnah offer a running commentary and a skepticism toward the cultural politics of packaging African stories for global...

ZAM Reporter
This year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature will be interviewed online by Ethiopian writer Maaza Mengiste at the upcoming edition of the Nigeria based Aké Festival. The event will take place on 30 October between 17h45 and 18h55 West-African Time. This year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature will be interviewed online by Ethiopian writer Maaza Mengiste at the upcoming edition of the Nigeria...

Ernst Schade
Dambudzo Marechera still inspires those who fight for freedom and justice in the postcolony. Dambudzo Marechera still inspires those who fight for freedom and justice in the postcolony.

Vamba Sherif
Scene after scene of intense beauty and horror are almost minutely described in Maaza Mengiste monumental novel The Shadow King. Scene after scene of intense beauty and horror are almost minutely described in Maaza Mengiste monumental novel The Shadow King.

Wim Reimert
From Namwanli Serpell's novel emerges a Zambia that is vibrant, energetic and full of life. But it is certainly not a paradise. From Namwanli Serpell's novel emerges a Zambia that is vibrant, energetic and full of life. But it is certainly not a paradise.

Wim Bossema
De aangrijpende roman The Shadow King, op de short list voor de Booker Prize, is veel meer dan een relaas over de Italiaanse bezetting van Ethiopië (1935-1941). De aangrijpende roman The Shadow King, op de short list voor de Booker Prize, is veel meer dan een relaas over de Italiaanse bezetting van Ethiopië...

Wim Bossema
Haar drie romans, waarvan de laatste is genomineerd voor de Booker Prize, kun je lezen als een metafoor voor de politieke gebeurtenissen in Zimbabwe. Het land staat er beroerd voor. Haar drie romans, waarvan de laatste is genomineerd voor de Booker Prize, kun je lezen als een metafoor voor de politieke gebeurtenissen in Zimbabwe. Het...

ZAM Reporter
To be black and woman is the theme of a recently launched new anthology. Seventeen perspectives in French and Dutch centred around the female body in an oppressive society. To be black and woman is the theme of a recently launched new anthology. Seventeen perspectives in French and Dutch centred around the female body in an...

Wim Bossema
‘Dekoloniseren’ mag een modewoord lijken, een recente oproep om straatnamen en musea aan te passen, maar dat ligt anders, zo blijkt op de 25ste editie van het literaire festival Winternachten in Den Haag. ‘Dekoloniseren’ mag een modewoord lijken, een recente oproep om straatnamen en musea aan te passen, maar dat ligt anders, zo blijkt op de 25ste editie...

Wim Bossema
On 21 May 2019 after suffering a stroke, Kenyan writer Binyavanga Wainaina (48) passed away. On Thursday 24th October, 2019, a celebration of his life and works will be held at Studio ZAM. Guests will focus on two of his brilliant essays: ‘How to Write About Africa’, about the framing of ‘Africa’ in Western media, and ‘I Am a Homosexual, Mom.’ As a kick-off for that meeting Dutch journalist Wim Bossema, who has been writing on ‘anything African’ since 1980, mainly for the Dutch daily de Volkskrant,... On 21 May 2019 after suffering a stroke, Kenyan writer Binyavanga Wainaina (48) passed away. On Thursday 24th October, 2019, a celebration of his life...

Wim Bossema
Op het literaire festival Winternachten (17-20 januari) in Den Haag is de Oegandees-Britse schrijfster Jennifer Makumbi en van de sprekers. Haar roman Kintu deed veel stof opwaaien in Oost-Afrika. Op het literaire festival Winternachten (17-20 januari) in Den Haag is de Oegandees-Britse schrijfster Jennifer Makumbi en van de sprekers. Haar roman...

Wim Bossema
Voor een themanummer ‘Afrika’ komen er in Terras nummer 15 opvallend veel kritische opmerkingen over het hele begrip ‘Afrikaanse literatuur’ voor. Voor een themanummer ‘Afrika’ komen er in Terras nummer 15 opvallend veel kritische opmerkingen over het hele begrip ‘Afrikaanse literatuur’ voor.