Support change from Africa - build ZAM

Amsterdam, 20 december 2016

Dear friend of ZAM,

ZAM promotes and supports a new generation of African change makers. Following in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela, the investigative journalists, thinkers, photographers and activists in our network are at the forefront of struggles against the abuse of power, deceitful propaganda, corruption and human rights violations in over fifty African countries. They shape the future of the continent through their active resistance, their speaking of truth to power and their creative interventions. The ZAM network unites these pioneers and provides a platform to highlight their lived realities. Together, we question the status quo and provide alternatives.


These outputs from our network are increasingly recognised by international media houses, by the established temples of arts and culture and by policy institutions. We want to further open up these bastions and introduce different perspectives into global debates and decision making. We initiate exciting collaborations like the upcoming Apartheid Revisited project, where we’ll be exploring an eerie history. ZAM’s project is an urgent undertaking at a time when new walls are built, borders are tightened and the world is more and more divided between 'them' and 'us'.


Expanding the magazine beyond Southern Africa to cover Sub-Saharan Africa through the investigations of our pioneering partner, the African Investigative Publishing Collective (AIPC), was a first significant achievement in this regard. ZAM’s promotion within Europe and the US of the work done by the AIPC has led to articles by Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Muno Gedi, Tobore Ovuorie and Idris Akinbajo (amongst others) being featured in Western news publications. Our Uneasy Truths series representing the finest of African investigative journalism was published in twelve countries: seven African and five European.

Building a sustainable financial future together

For ZAM and its network to continue to operate we urgently need your support. Our overheads are very modest, but the network cannot be maintained, nor can its members be supported, without help.  Remuneration is an essential lifeline for all our authors, activists, researchers, photographers, columnists, inventors and creators of fascinating projects.

Our goal: 25 000 euros by March 2017

Next year ZAM will celebrate its first ten years as an independent platform. The target we need to reach in order to keep operating by 1 March 2017 is €25 000. This will create a foundation for a larger promotion and fundraising campaign in 2017.Every donation, no matter how small, is important to ensure we can continue our work.

You can transfer your donation to NL16 INGB 0003 6551 77 (SWIFT/BIC: INGBNL2A) of the ZAM-net Foundation.

If you would prefer to receive an invoice or use another payment method please visit For our Dutch friends: ZAM has an ANBI status, making your donation in the Netherlands tax deductible.

Help us celebrate our 10th anniversary together.

Thank you!

Ton Bervoets (advisor), Evelien Groenink (investigations editor), Bart Luirink (editor), Randall Maarman (board member), Jan Meijer (treasurer), Christina Månsson (freelance web editor), Babah Tarawally (board member), Alexander van Trigt (board member), Leonie Verburg (contributor), Annelies Verdoolaege (chairman), Gerard Wieffer (secretary)

Please view the Dutch version of the letter here.

Writer Adriaan van Dis on the ZAM project Apartheid Revisited: "It's a project close to my heart. An 'old' story in a new jacket. Haute e-culture for those looking for the roots of narrow-mindedness, inequality and fortification of today."