Christina Månsson
The protagonist Moses in Alain Mabanckou’s Black Moses grows up in an orphanage on the outskirts of Pointe-Noire in the independent Republic of the Congo that is on the eve of the creation of the imaginary People's Republic of the Congo, a Marxist–Leninist state. As the novel starts Moses recalls his years in the orphanage from the moment he was abandoned there as a baby to the inner turmoil and desires he experienced as he becomes an adolescent. He recalls a catholic priest Papa Moupelo, a... The protagonist Moses in Alain Mabanckou’s Black Moses grows up in an orphanage on the outskirts of Pointe-Noire in the independent Republic of the Congo...
Laura Engels*
Afrofuturism and the grand debate about (post) colonial, fragmented identities,stolen history and shattered dreams Visitors to Creating Other Futures , an exhibition at De Melkweg in Amsterdam, will feelarl a sense of displacement when they are surrounded by the sound, colours and moving images during the exhibition. Fascinated by these converging elements, I was drawn to these works of art, specifically those that use different kinds of montage, like the work of Chinese artist Ming Wong. By using... Afrofuturism and the grand debate about (post) colonial, fragmented identities,stolen history and shattered dreams Visitors to Creating Other Futures ,...
Simone Atangana Bekono
This short story by Simone Atangana Bekono is one of a recently published anthology Zwart. Afro-Europese Literatuur uit de Lage Landen in the Netherlands . Editors are Ebissé Rouw and Vamba Sherif Nadat oom Frederick rond vier uur ’s middags, zestien dagen voor kerst, zijn laatste adem had uitgeblazen, werden de voorbereidingen voor zijn begrafenis efficiënt in gang gezet. Bella belde direct erna mijn moeder op. Mijn moeder hing haar jurk aan de deur van haar kledingkast en stelde ons een voor een... This short story by Simone Atangana Bekono is one of a recently published anthology Zwart. Afro-Europese Literatuur uit de Lage Landen in the Netherlands...
Thanks to the courtesy of publisher AtlastContact, we are giving away three copies of Zwart. Afro-Europese Literatuur uit de Lage Landen (ed. by Vamba Sherif and Ebissé Rouw). If you want to win a copy of this anthology of Afro-European Literature from the low countries, the first of its kind, please send an email to before Sunday 11 February, 2018, 12 pm CET. Entry has now closed and the three winners will receive a copy by the publisher. We have published one of the chapters... Thanks to the courtesy of publisher AtlastContact, we are giving away three copies of Zwart. Afro-Europese Literatuur uit de Lage Landen (ed. by Vamba...
ZAM Reporter
‘Before It Is Completely Gone’ - a solo exhibition by Thierry Oussou, his first with Stevenson gallery, opens in Johannesburg on Saturday February 10, 10am – 1 pm. Oussou will give a walkabout of his exhibition on Friday 9 February at 11am. The exhibition is on view until 16 March 2018 . Described as a ‘social archaeologist’, Oussou combines his immediate context with accumulated personal experiences to craft probing yet poetic commentaries with a global perspective. In this exhibition, the artist... ‘Before It Is Completely Gone’ - a solo exhibition by Thierry Oussou, his first with Stevenson gallery, opens in Johannesburg on Saturday February 10,...
Christian Locka
Royalties for shareholders, tainted water for the locals Cameroon’s Gaz du Cameroun and its UK multinational partner fill the pockets of those aligned with kleptocrat ruler Paul Biya whilst an elite military unit oppresses popular protests. As the first rays of daylight pierced a thick haze blanketing the Ndogpassi neighborhood, several dozen angry men appeared, seemingly from nowhere. They formed a human barrier across the main entrance to a natural gas power plant in the east of Douala,... Royalties for shareholders, tainted water for the locals Cameroon’s Gaz du Cameroun and its UK multinational partner fill the pockets of those aligned...
ZAM Reporter
A remarkable exhibition by fifteen South African artists is presently on view in Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. You can now browse through the works on the exhibition’s website . In addition to the works the site also provides information about the curators Nkule Mabaso and Manon Braat, the catalogue and the symposium that took place after the opening in January, 2018. A remarkable exhibition by fifteen South African artists is presently on view in Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. You can now browse through...
ZAM Reporter
For the international program Metropolis the VPRO (broadcaster) is looking for new local video journalists, documentary filmmakers and storytellers. From 2008 to 2015 the VPRO produced Metropolis; a TV show in which the editors collaborated with local correspondents to report about remarkable stories from the daily lives of people worldwide. Metropolis compared those stories with each other by using various themes. For example: how do people from Japan and South-Africa experience wedding or funeral... For the international program Metropolis the VPRO (broadcaster) is looking for new local video journalists, documentary filmmakers and storytellers. From...
ZAM Reporter
"Wise words mistranslated: What can we learn from a pre-colonial Nigerian philosopher?" Pre-colonial Nigerian philosophy? What is it all about? What does it tell us? These are questions philosopher Sophie Oluwole and filmmaker Juul van der Laan explore in a new production with a tantalising working title: Fact is Fiction . It is a new transmedia project inspired by ancient Yorùbá philosophy and an early computer system. While the film is still in the making, you can tag along with the director and... "Wise words mistranslated: What can we learn from a pre-colonial Nigerian philosopher?" Pre-colonial Nigerian philosophy? What is it all about? What does...
ZAM Reporter
The story of the murders of Dulcie September, Anton Lubowski and Chris Hani From 1988, Evelyn Groenink, ZAM's Investigations Editor, investigated some of the most uncomfortable stories of the Southern African struggle for freedom and independence: the murders of Paris ANC representative Dulcie September in 1988, SWAPO leader Anton Lubowski (1989) and ANC leader Chris Hani (1993). Evelyn Groenink's was launched at ZAM in Amsterdam on Tuesday March 27, 2018 It is often thought that the three... The story of the murders of Dulcie September, Anton Lubowski and Chris Hani From 1988, Evelyn Groenink, ZAM's Investigations Editor, investigated some of...
ZAM Reporter
A fascinating study into the return of twenty skulls from Berlin to Namibia is now available online In September 2011, twenty Namibian skulls were repatriated from the collection of the Charité University Hospital in Berlin to Namibia. Not everything went smoothly. The Charité was criticized for failing to answer questions about the identity of the remains, and the Namibian government and Nama and Herero representatives failed to agree on their final resting place. In her book and thesis More than... A fascinating study into the return of twenty skulls from Berlin to Namibia is now available online In September 2011, twenty Namibian skulls were...
ZAM Reporter
Congratulations to Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng who has been appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town! In September 2015, Phakeng spoke at an event organised by the Drongo Festival, ZAM and Maandblad Zuid-Afrika about 'one country, eleven languages.' Listen to the podcast of the Prof's speech and understand why UCT has appointed the right person. Congratulations to Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng who has been appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town! In September 2015, Phakeng spoke...
Bart Luirink
Two Africa-related productions at this year Movies that Matter film-festival in the Netherlands convincingly move away from the dominant narratives of international aid. You can win two tickets for any of your choice. Send us an email before Thursday 22 March, 12 PM and put 'Movies that Matter' in the subject line This years’ Movies that Matter festival has an exciting selection of new Africa-related film productions. A number of them play into the dominant tendencies in international aid. City of... Two Africa-related productions at this year Movies that Matter film-festival in the Netherlands convincingly move away from the dominant narratives of...
Ayo Adene
If economic results are viewed from the secure bubble of the privileged, everything seems fine. This is why data should be disaggregated. As someone who has worked in public health research, and also in global development, I understand the value of data. However, data is like an onion. Until you slice through its layers, your eyes are shielded from the real impact. That's why we disaggregate data. We want to know not just the big picture, but what makes up the big picture. That's also why we test... If economic results are viewed from the secure bubble of the privileged, everything seems fine. This is why data should be disaggregated. As someone who...
ZAM reporter
"You were strong when we couldn’t be. You were a rage that sometimes burned too brightly and you showed us how to be brave and be our fearsome best. Lion. Warrior. Mother. Mkhonto (spear)." Sisonke Msimang, South African writer, on Twitter/ @Sisonkemsimang "You were strong when we couldn’t be. You were a rage that sometimes burned too brightly and you showed us how to be brave and be our fearsome best....
ZAM reporter
On Saturday 14 April the Foundation Max van der Stoel, in collaboration with FEPS, will host the annual 'Afrikadag' at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam. This year’s theme is new activism. While traditional politics on the continent are often still pretty inaccessible, activists know how to enforce change. At the Afrikadag the activists will be given a platform to tell their stories. On the programme are Moses Isooba from Africans Rising, a continent broad movement, and 27-year-old... On Saturday 14 April the Foundation Max van der Stoel, in collaboration with FEPS, will host the annual 'Afrikadag' at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)...
ZAM reporter
New cover design by Victor Ekpuk for the 60th anniversary edition of Achebe's world famous trilogy. Penguin USA pulled out all the stops for a commemorative edition of Things Fall Apart, worthy of such a great book and writer. Washington DC based Nigerian artist Victor Ekpuk was commissioned to make new cover design for this book as well as for Achebe's No Longer at Ease and Arrow of God . In his artwork Ekpuk is inspired by Nsibidi philosophy and graphic system, Igbo's Ikenga, and other aesthetic... New cover design by Victor Ekpuk for the 60th anniversary edition of Achebe's world famous trilogy. Penguin USA pulled out all the stops for a...
ZAM reporter
You can win tickets (see below) for this performance about the emergence of long distance running and the struggle for independence. In Because I always feel like running , Ogutu Muraya navigates the politics of running in East Africa. The emergence of athletic prowess in middle and long distance categories coincided with the independence movements. Since the 60s the success of athletes became tied with the process of nation building and the creation of a new post-colonial identity. In the same way... You can win tickets (see below) for this performance about the emergence of long distance running and the struggle for independence. In Because I always...
ZAM reporter
Incorruptible. The story of the murders of Dulcie September, Anton Lubowski and Chris Hani of our Investigations Editor Evelyn Groenink was launched at ZAM on Tuesday 27th of March, 2018. A big crowd, interesting speeches and many books sold and signed by the author. “The three freedom fighters were murdered because of their principled stand against the interests of the international arms trade. Today this struggle against corruption and state capture has been taken up by a growing movement in the... Incorruptible. The story of the murders of Dulcie September, Anton Lubowski and Chris Hani of our Investigations Editor Evelyn Groenink was launched at...
ZAM Reporter
The Kenyan Film Classification Board has banned Wanuri Kahiu’s feature film ‘Rafiki’ (friend), a lesbian love story which will have its world premiere in Cannes, France, next month. “Unfortunately, our film has been censored in Kenya, because it deals with matters that are uncomfortable for the Kenya Film Classification Board,” Kahiu said during an appearance on the ‘Morning Express’ early morning show on Kenyan network KTN. “But I truly believe that an adult Kenyan audience is mature and... The Kenyan Film Classification Board has banned Wanuri Kahiu’s feature film ‘Rafiki’ (friend), a lesbian love story which will have its world premiere in...
Evelyn Groenink
Read this article in Dutch here . “Our leaders will only listen if our stories are published in the West” A new, upcoming generation of African investigative reporters expose the destructive practices of many of the continent’s leaders. Their stories have impact. Introducing: Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Eric Mwamba, Idris Akinbajo, Muno Gedi, Emmanuel Mayah, Francis Mbala, Tshireletso Motlogelwa, Lawrence Seretse, Estacio Valoi and many more. The report “Plunder Route to Panama - How African Oligarchs... Read this article in Dutch here . “Our leaders will only listen if our stories are published in the West” A new, upcoming generation of African...